Friday May 9, 2025 3:15pm - 4:30pm CDT
Join Ashara Mayim to explore the extraordinary work and life of trance artist and occultist Rosaleen Norton. A true embodiment of the spirit of the Divine Rebel, she lived her life with fearlessness and honesty most people can't even imagine. Roie was a devotee of Pan since childhood and is best known for her volume, "The Art of Rosaleen Norton with Poems by Gavin Greenlees," though she explored deeper mysteries through "Thorn in the Flesh: A Grim-Memoire." She is a powerful Aquarian ally for those who wish to live their lives with truth and bravery, in accordance with their divine Will, and powerful force who feel ostracised or outcast from their mainstream communities. She was often ostracised, criticized, and even targeted by law enforcement for her attempts to share her visions and occult experiences with the world. Explore the work and life of the Witch of King's Cross and meditatively enter and experience her piece, "Black Magic."

Ashara Mayim

Ashara Mayim is an ordained High Priestess in the Temple of Witchcraft and a teaching assistant for the Witchcraft 1 Online Mystery School. She has been an educator by trade for 16 years and deeply enjoys using her educational background to further education, understanding, and acceptance... Read More →
Friday May 9, 2025 3:15pm - 4:30pm CDT
St. Joseph's Room 717 Orleans St. Bourbon Orleans Hotel

Attendees (3)

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