Friday May 9, 2025 1:30pm - 2:45pm CDT
You will be guided into a state of deep relaxation, where you will connect with the magical inner presence of the four elements. Through this transformative encounter, these four aspects of your psyche will be activated, balanced, and harmonized. Deep Relaxation: Experience a guided journey into a profound state of calm and tranquility. Elemental Connection: Connect with the magical inner presence of the four elements: Earth, Water, Air, and Fire. Psychic Activation: Activate the four elemental aspects of your psyche, unlocking their unique energies and potentials. Balance and Harmony: Achieve a balanced and harmonious state, integrating the elements within yourself for holistic well-being. Please note: Bring a Yoga mat and a comfortable pillow for your relaxation. A blanket can be useful too. Clothes should be relaxed as if you are going to practice yoga.
avatar for Jean-Louis de Biasi

Jean-Louis de Biasi

Grandmaster de Biasi currently heads two initiatory traditions: The Aurum Solis and the Kabbalistic Order of the Rose-Cross. Along with his wife he is the founder of Mediterranean Yoga - Aurum Solis, a registered school with the International Yoga Federation. He has written over a... Read More →
Friday May 9, 2025 1:30pm - 2:45pm CDT
St. Ann's Cottage #2 717 Orleans St. Bourbon Orleans Hotel

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