Saturday May 10, 2025 9:00am - 10:15am CDT
According to Abrahamic spiritual traditions, the relationship between words and magic goes back to the very creation of the world. In this class, Tamar will focus on Judaism, the earliest of these traditions, and the deep and ancient magic it and its language hold. These include spoken and written practices, communal and solitary practices, in Hebrew, and English (and some Aramaic!). We will also touch on modern magical practices that derive from this ancient magic. She will explain the magic of the Hebrew letters (the Aleph Beit) themselves, the messages and meaning they contain, the words and sentences they make, and the ancient Hebrew writings that have survived into modern times.

Tamar Baskind

Born and raised in Jerusalem, Tamar has been steeped in the city’s magic and energy all her life. This ancient place has shaped her development, as both a person and a practitioner. Always drawn to the unseen forces around and within us, she began consciously practicing at the age... Read More →
Saturday May 10, 2025 9:00am - 10:15am CDT
St. Ann's Cottage #2 717 Orleans St. Bourbon Orleans Hotel

Attendees (1)

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