Sunday May 11, 2025 9:00am - 10:15am CDT
Sex, both the enjoyment of it and the use of it as a means to an end, have been demonized and maligned in organized religion and our larger culture for thousands of years. Ideas such as associating virginity with innocence and celibacy with purity are deeply ingrained in our culture. But as followers of pagan traditions, we can learn to see sex not only as healthy, natural, and enjoyable: a sacred act in and of itself. Witchcraft is a religion of fertility and nature. All of us are, at our core, natural and sexual beings. It is in harnessing the power of this birthright that we find its inherent creative power. In this spicy workshop, Ashara Mayim examines sex magick through a Witchcraft lens: its history, theory, and practice.

Ashara Mayim

Ashara Mayim is an ordained High Priestess in the Temple of Witchcraft and a teaching assistant for the Witchcraft 1 Online Mystery School. She has been an educator by trade for 16 years and deeply enjoys using her educational background to further education, understanding, and acceptance... Read More →
Sunday May 11, 2025 9:00am - 10:15am CDT
St. Ann's Cottage #2 717 Orleans St. Bourbon Orleans Hotel

Attendees (2)

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