Sunday May 11, 2025 3:15pm - 4:30pm CDT
Death happens on multiple levels: in our personal lives, in our communities, and in that which is larger (on a global or existential scale). As it is not only a physical ending, we can also experience the death of relationships, careers, and outmoded ways of thinking, being, or doing—just to name a few types of death that may be encountered within a human lifespan. The Vigil for the Good Death is a sacred container, or ritual, that leans into the power of community to recognize and honor death on these multiple levels. After our ritual, participants will be invited to take this powerful magic back to their home communities, and provided with access to online resources that will help them host their own vigils online or in person.
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Jamie Waggoner

Priestess & Author
Jamie Waggoner is an author, Pagan priestess, and occult expert. She has been a practicing witch for 25+ years. Jamie is the author of Hades: Myth, Magic and Modern Devotion (Llewellyn, 2024), and contributor to Witchology Magazine, Haunted Magazine, and The Feminine Macabre, among... Read More →
Sunday May 11, 2025 3:15pm - 4:30pm CDT
St. Ann's Cottage #2 717 Orleans St. Bourbon Orleans Hotel

Attendees (3)

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